Unit testing in C#

In this whole day training I slowly introduce the what is a unit test, how does a unit testing work and which are the key characteristics that conform a good unit test with C#. Every concept of the training comes with its corresponding exercise so participants can practice and discuss it while building up on the philosophy and motivation behind writing unit tests.

During the morning we go from naif unit tests examples, useful to understand the key concepts, to more involved scenarious which require us to introduce more advanced concepts in order to have maintainable unit tests. At the end of the day, we finish with a kata that resembles a real world experience, starting with an already existing code not covered by unit tests and ending with that code covered by unit tests and hence, way more easy to refactor and improve.

What can you learn?

  • What is a unit test and how to approach working with them
  • How to deal with dependencies
  • What are the smells that help you avoid creating unmantainable unit tests

Who is this training for?

This training starts from scracth, so it's meant to be done by people with no, or low experience in unit testing,


  • Introduction
  • Definition of unit testing
  • Characteristics of a unit test
  • Steps of a unit test
  • Managing dependencies
  • Inversion of control
  • Communicating intention
  • Test doubles
  • Test smells
  • Unit testing schools
  • Conclusions
  • Kata


Duration: 1 Day
Price: 250 €/person. 125 € for persons belonging to collectives with less representation in IT